εxodus is a privacy auditing platform for Android applications developed by Exodus Privacy. It detects behaviors which can be dangerous for user privacy like ads, tracking, analytics, …

Comprehensive reports : εxodus provides a report for each analyzed application. Reports show the list of detected trackers, permissions and suspicious network traffic. εxodus also offers a brief description of each tracker is able to detect.
Static analysis : εxodus is able to detect presence of tracker code directly in the APK file without requiring decompilation. εxodus bases its analysis on APK files downloaded from Google Play. It ensures that εxodus analyzes applications which are available for any other user.
Network analysis : εxodus executes the application and then dumps the entire network traffic generated by the simulated Android device. εxodus analyzes DNS, UDP, HTTP and HTTPS traffic to determine the collected data and the destination server.

Exodus Privacy is a French (1901 law) non-profit organization managed by hacktivists who want to protect privacy everywhere.